Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Independent Linden Mayor Backs Christie

Continuing to add support from across the political spectrum in his campaign for reelection, Governor Christie was today endorsed by longtime Linden mayor and Independent Richard Gerbounka. Mayor Gerbounka has provided independent leadership for Linden as a mayor and member of town council for 18 years, including his partnership with the Governor on commonsense, bipartisan reforms to get New Jersey back on the right path.

“Since taking office, Governor Christie proved that he would be a partner in the Governor’s office that local officials across this state were desperately missing. The Governor paired that partnership with strong leadership and a willingness to fight for the big, bold solutions our state needed,” said Linden Mayor Richard Gerbounka. "As a lifelong member of this community, I’m proud to endorse Governor Christie for reelection and continuing to work together to deliver bipartisan results for the people of Linden and New Jersey.”

A deeply blue and diverse town in which Democrats outnumber Republicans by 49%, Linden was previously carried by President Obama by nearly 50% in 2012 and by Jon Corzine by 23% in 2009. Linden’s population is nearly 27% African American and 25% Hispanic.

“Mayor Gerbounka has been a partner of mine since I took office, helping me to fight for our property tax cap, toolkit reforms, and pension and health benefit reforms. These bipartisan reforms are finally controlling the cost of government and delivering the smallest increase in property taxes in more than 20 years,” said Governor Christie. “I thank the Mayor for his independent leadership and his vocal support over the past four years, and look forward to continuing to make progress for Linden families over the next four.”

Governor Christie was joined by Mayor Gerbounka at the Beyond the C Restaurant in Linden to announce his support and greet residents on Day One of the Christie campaign’s 7-day, 90-stop bus tour to Election Day.

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