Monday, October 28, 2013

New NJ Child Porn Law Cracks Down On Predators

New Jersey State Senate Republican Whip Kevin O’Toole stated the following regarding today’s announcement from the New Jersey Attorney General that 14 men will be prosecuted under the Senator’s new law for using a file-sharing network to distribute images of child pornography:

“We should all be proud of the growing and improving efforts of state and federal authorities to terminate child pornography in New Jersey. Perpetrators who think the Internet gives them a cloak of anonymity and an easier way to share and profit off of a sick fix must now think twice. With the arrest of these 14 men, predators are on notice: New Jersey now has some of the toughest laws and penalties for child pornography offenders.”

More details on the Senator’s new state child pornography law:

In August, the Child Pornography Prevention Act was signed into law by Gov. Chris Christie. It was introduced by Senator O’Toole in January.

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