Saturday, October 19, 2013

NJ: Vote 'NO!' On Question 2, November 5

Another joint post from one of our favorite fellow bloggers:
Vote No on Question #2I opened my mailbox on Saturday afternoon, Save Jerseyans, and I found the nifty little mailer to your right (and at the bottom) among the bills and supermarket circulars.
It’s produced by “The Coalition to Preserve Jobs and Our Constitution,” a group of Garden State business owners dedicated to defeating a proposed constitutional amendment on New Jersey’s fall ballot which would hike our state’s minimum wage and, most troubling of all, constitutionally-mandating that all future increases be tied to the consumer price index.
Vote NO, folks. Visit our extensive Minimum Wage Archives for all of the facts, figures, analysis and examples you’ll need to convince your friends that Ballot Question #2 is a dangerous and costly for New Jersey that will destroy jobs.
The group has reportedly already spent in excess of $500,000 to defeat Ballot Question #2. Thank God for it! Even many Trenton Democrats know that this is a mistake for our economy; they’re hoping it drives turnout to save Democrat incumbents from the Christie wave. Don’t let them get away with it.
Click here to visit the Coalition’s website.
Vote No Side 2
- See more at:

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