Tuesday, October 22, 2013

On Jobs, Chris Christie Is The Clear Choice!

A Clear Choice


Governor Christie's Record Of Moving New Jersey Forward 
Stands In Stark Contrast To The Corzine-Buono Era 
Of Higher Taxes, More Spending And Fewer Jobs
Governor Christie's RecordThe Buono Record
Since Governor Christie Took Office, New Jersey Has Added Over 142,400 Private-Sector Jobs. (Bureau of Labor Statistics, New Jersey Private Sector Employment, February 2010 – Present)During Barbara Buono's two years as Jon Corzine's budget chair, New Jersey lost nearly 240,000 private-sector jobs. (Bureau of Labor Statistics, New Jersey Private Sector Employment, January 2008 – January 2010)
2012 Was The Best Year Of Private Sector Job Growth Since 2000. (New Jersey Department Of Labor, “New Jersey Employers Created 66,400 Jobs in 2012 Largest Growth Since 2000 Caps Three Years of Private Sector Gains,” Press Release, 3/18/13)     ·  New Jersey is on pace for four consecutive years of positive private-sector job growth under Governor Christie.
     ·  Since Governor Christie Took Office, New Jersey’s unemployment rate has declined more than a full percentage point.
(Bureau of Labor Statistics, New Jersey Unemployment, February 2010 – May 2013, Accessed: 6/23/13)
Under Buono’s watch, New Jersey’s unemployment rate more than doubled from 4.6 percent to 9.7 percent. (Bureau of Labor Statistics, New Jersey Unemployment, January 2008 – January 2010, Accessed: 4/1/13)

     ·  In Buono’s Final Month As Budget Chair – January 2010 – There Were Over 50,000 More New Jerseyans Out Of Work Than There Are Today. (Bureau of Labor Statistics, New Jersey Unemployment, January 2010 – July 2013)
“New Jersey was named one of five states with the most improved business climate, according to the latest rankings by Business Facilities, a national publication focused on … economic development.” (Chris Bishop, “Publication gives NJ high business grade,” Burlington County Times, 8/13/13)

     ·  New Jersey CEOs Rating Of The Garden State “Good-To-Excellent” More Than Doubled Compared To 2009. (George N. Saliba, “C-Suite Survey: CEOs More Positive,” New Jersey Business Magazine, July 2013)
The Star-Ledger. “State faces economic nightmare in 2009, experts say” (Dunstan McNichol, “State faces economic nightmare in 2009, experts say” The Star-Ledger, 10/1/08)

     ·  “N.J. Loses $70B In Wealth During Five Years As Residents Depart” (Leslie Kwoh, “N.J. Loses $70B In Wealth During Five Years As Residents Depart,” The Star-Ledger, 2/4/10)
Asbury Park Press: “NJ Tax Crush: Leaving New Jersey” (Shannon Mullen, “NJ Tax Crush: Leaving New Jersey,” Asbury Park Press, 10/1/09)
Zero Tax Increases since Governor Christie took office.Buono Voted To Raise Taxes And Fees 154 Times Over The Course Of Her Career.(New Jersey Legislature, Legislator Voting Information: Senator Barbara Buono, Accessed: 6/5/13)
Governor Christie Cut Taxes On Job Creators By $2.35 Billion.

     ·  Business Income Relief For Small Businesses And Entrepreneurs.

     ·  Cutting Taxes on S-Corporations.

     ·  Increasing The Research And Development Tax Credit.

     ·  Phasing-In A Single Sales Factor.
Buono's Tax Increases Included:

     ·  35 Increased Taxes And Fees On Businesses.

     ·  24 Sales Tax Increases.

     ·  22 Higher Taxes And Fees On Builders And Developers.

     ·  7 Increases To Income And Payroll Taxes. (New Jersey Legislature, Legislator Voting Information: Senator Barbara Buono, Accessed: 7/15/13)
Governor Christie Has Been Endorsed By The New Jersey Chapter Of The National Federation Of Independent Businesses.(“NFIB/NJ Endorses Christie for Reelection,” Press Release, 8/22/13)

     · The Statewide Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of New Jersey,

     · The Essex County Latino-American Chamber of Commerce,

     · The Hispanic American Chamber of Commerce Foundation of Essex County

Over one hundred individual business owners from across the state
Small Business Owners Have Raised “Concerns” About Buono’s Pick Of Milly Silva, Calling It “Very Troubling” And An “Unmistakable Message To Small BusinessThat Big Labor Is Going To Have The Run Of The Statehouse …” (Tom Zanki, “Business Groups Wary Of Buono's Expected Running Mate,” NJBIZ, 7/27/13; National Federation of Independent Business, “Small Business Worries about Labor Organizer on Gubernatorial Ticket,” Press Release, 7/29/13)

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