Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Sandy Rebuilding Continues At Anniversary

As the one-year anniversary of Superstorm Sandy approaches, Department of Labor and Workforce Development Commissioner Harold J. Wirths and Adjutant General of New Jersey Brigadier General Michael L. Cunniff today toured the National Guard Training Facility Center to inspect restoration work being wrapped up by workers hired to help the recovery effort under a National Emergency Grant (NEG) secured by the Christie Administration.

“Since obtaining the grant in the wake of Sandy, we have put 937 unemployed people to work on recovery efforts in 13 counties and in restoration work on parks and properties operated by the Department of Environmental Protection, the Palisades Interstate Park Commission and the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs. The grant allowed us to give unemployed people temporary jobs, while assisting communities around the state,” said Commissioner Wirths.

The department applied for and obtained a $15.6 million NEG just days after Sandy hit to create temporary cleanup and recovery jobs in the aftermath of the storm. To date, $14.5 million of the grant has been expended to give temporary jobs to 967 people, 44 of whom worked on buildings and property around the National Guard Training Facility Center, including restoring artifacts in the National Guard Militia Museum of New Jersey.

The Sea Girt property was flooded with six feet of water causing damage to memorabilia in the museum as well as damage to plumbing, electrical fixtures, drywall, furniture and fencing to other structures. The grant has helped to employ veterans and others to repair and rebuild the facilities, and 39 workers hired through the NEG are still on site to restore and reorganize buildings at the training facility.

"Superstorm Sandy hit our state with devastating force and our National Guard facilities were not immune to the damages caused by the storm," said Brigadier General Cunniff. "The National Emergency Grant provided by the Department of Labor has greatly enhanced cleanup activities and created temporary employment for those in need."

Job-seekers interested in a temporary job under the NEG may still apply by visiting their local One-Stop Career Center or by sending an e-mail to: sandyhelp@dol.state.nj.us

Job seekers may also log onto www.Jobs4Jersey.com or call (609) 777-1836 between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.

National Emergency Grants are part of the United States Secretary of Labor’s discretionary fund and are awarded based on a state’s ability to meet specific guidelines. For more information on such grants, visit: http://www.doleta.gov/NEG.

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