Friday, October 4, 2013

Shutdown: How The Problem Can Be Solved

Doe anyone really believe that this shutdown problem cannot be solved?
Does anyone really believe that this impasse cannot be broken?
And does anyone honestly think that the President of the United States could not resolve it if he wanted to?
Here's how it's done:
The President (the leader of the free world, the only man in the country elected by ALL the people) calls the Republican leaders and the Democrat leaders to the White House. He sits them down in a room:  Reid and Pelosi, McConnell and Boehner. He says "I want you to work out these differences now. The country cannot wait any longer. We'll provide you with whatever you need. But you're not leaving here till this is resolved. So, get to work and resolve the problem. I know you can do it. When you've got a solution, call me. I'll look it over and we'll go from there."
He's the President of the United States with all the power, authority and gravitas that goes with it.
He's the top chief executive in the land.
This is the way leadership works.
This is what leaders do.
You use what you got. You deal honorably. You bring people together. And you make things happen.
Does anyone for one minute honestly believe that a real leader -- the President of the United States -- could not do this?
This is not rocket science. This is a matter of leadership. This is a matter of will.

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