Monday, October 14, 2013

Yet Another Democrat Official Endorses Christie

Continuing to add to the broad coalition that has drawn supporters from both parties and from diverse communities across New Jersey, Governor Christie was today endorsed by West New York Commissioner FiorD’Aliza Frias.  Commissioner Frias, a reform-minded Democrat first elected to office in 2011, becomes the 52nd elected Democrat to support the reelection of the Governor, and the 10th from Hudson County.
A deeply Democrat and predominantly Hispanic town of nearly 50,000, West New York was previously carried by President Obama by over 55% in 2012 and by Jon Corzine by more than 45% over Chris Christie in 2009.  Hispanics represent 78% of the population.
Commissioner Frias emphasized Governor Christie’s record of standing up for the women, children, and working families she represents in stating her endorsement:
“I am supporting Governor Christie because he is without question the best person to lead New Jersey.  When it has mattered most, he has put aside partisanship and produced for the people of West New York, most particularly our women, children, and working families. This Governor has shown a commitment to reaching the people I represent and work with everyday, listening to their concerns, and then acting to help them.  That’s meant providing funding for our schools and our hospitals, health care for women, children, and the most vulnerable, and giving them a real voice.
“Speaking personally as a proud Democrat, a Hispanic woman, a single mother, an immigrant, and a dedicated member of my community, I know the families of West New York.  And I know that Governor Christie is an authentic leader who cares about us and who delivers.  I am proud to endorse him for reelection.”
A first generation immigrant from the Dominican Republic, Commissioner Frias is a dedicated, strong, and hard working single parent, who built a career from the bottom up to an executive in the Merchant Services industry. 
Commissioner Frias has also been an avid and involved volunteer in service and charitable efforts in her community, particularly those benefitting women and children.
To date, fifty-two Democrat elected officials have endorsed Governor Christie for reelection, including: State Senator Brian Stack, Essex County Executive Joe DiVincenzo, Essex County Sheriff Armando Fontoura, Long Branch Mayor Adam Schneider, Orange Mayor Dwayne Warren, Belleville Mayor Ray Kimble, Bloomfield Mayor Ray McCarthy, Glen Ridge Mayor Peter Hughes, Livingston Mayor Rudy Fernandez, Paterson City Council President Anthony Davis, Burlington City Mayor Jim Fazzone, Manville Mayor Angelo Corradino, Chesilhurst Mayor Michael Blunt, Harrison Mayor Ray McDonough, Sea Bright Mayor Dina Long, Harrison City Council members Laurence M. Bennett, Jesus R. Huaranga, James Doran, Victor Villalta, Carol Mandaglio, Michael Dolaghan, Francisco Nascimento, and Anselmo Millan, Garfield Deputy Mayor Tana Raymond, Belleville Town Council members Steve Rovell and Michael Nicosia, Glen Ridge Council President Stuart Patrick and Councilman David Lefkovitz, Point Pleasant Borough Mayor William Schroeder, Spring Lake Mayor Jennifer Naughton, Spring Lake Council President Janice Venables, Spring Lake Council members Bob Drasheff and Priscilla Reilly and Union City Commissioners Tilo Rivas, Lucio Fernandez, Maryury Martinetti, and Celin Valdivia, Secaucus Mayor Michael Gonnelli, Secaucus Town Councilmembers James Clancy, Robert Contantino, Gary Jeffas, William McKeever, and Susan Pirro, River Vale Mayor Joe Blundo, Scotch Plains Mayor Kevin Glover, Teaneck Councilmen Yitz Stern, Elie Katz, and Mark Schwartz, River Edge Mayor Sandy Moscaritolo, Palmyra Mayor Karen Scheffler and Council President David Dorworth, and West New York Commissioner FiorD’Aliza Frias. 

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