Friday, November 1, 2013

From Peggy To Christie: A Heartfelt Love Letter

". . . time spent with Gov. Chris Christie this week felt like a tonic, an antidote to the prevailing mood. What I saw as he kicked off a seven-day New Jersey bus tour was the lost pleasure of politics. We forget: It's supposed to be fun. Mr. Christie is cruising to a big win as a red-state figure in a deep blue state, so he's got a lot to be happy about. But his pleasure in the game and the meaning of the game—his remembering that on some level it is a game, to be won or lost, to cheers or boos—is a clue to the mood with which a great party might approach its work. So here we put aside policy questions to take a look at what winning looks like, and sounds like.

"Mr. Christie on the trail: hustle, bustle, applause, cameras, hugging—a lot—autographing. Everybody's smartphone in the air. 'Governor, Governor!' The crowds are big and enthusiastic. A stop in Linden had people lined up four and five deep more than half a block down the main street. It was the kind of crowd a presidential candidate gets early on. A woman—60s, retired from a hospital—said, 'I'm so excited, I feel like I'm meeting a movie star. He's like me. I feel like he's telling the truth.' Is she a Republican? 'I'm a registered Democrat. I don't care what party you're from.' A woman at the Ritz Diner in Livingston told why she's for Mr. Christie: 'He can get things done because he can go between the aisles. Harry Reid and the president won't even talk to the other side.' This was a prevailing theme: a yearning for bipartisan progress, and support for his abilities in this area. Ellie Cohen, a Democrat who knew Mr. Christie's mother, Sandy, described her as colorful, funny, direct. 'She was . . . Thelma Ritter, if you know what I mean. He's like her.'"  -
Peggy Noonan

Click here to read more from Peggy Noonan, writing in the Wall Street Journal.

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