Friday, November 15, 2013

The GOP DOES Have A Health Care Plan

You've heard the refrain from the Democrats over and over again: "The Republicans simply want to destroy Obamacare. They have no plan of their own. All they do is say 'NO' to Obamacare but they've put forth nothing of their own."
This has been repeated so much that it has become The Big Lie.
Do you know why?
Because it is a lie!
The Republican Party has always had its own health care plan but the Democrats have simply chosen to ignore it. They wouldn't even consider incorporating parts of it into Obamacare.
In the current session of Congress, more than 100 GOP House members introduced HR 3121, The American Health Care Reform Act.
Here's what it does:
  • Fully repeals President Obama's health care law, eliminating billions in taxes and thousands of pages of unworkable regulations and mandates that are driving up health care costs. 
  • Spurs competition to lower health care costs by allowing Americans to purchase health insurance across state lines and enabling small businesses to pool together and get the same buying power as large corporations.
  • Reforms medical malpractice laws in a commonsense way that limits trial lawyer fees and non-economic damages while maintaining strong protections for patients.
  • Provides tax reform that allows families and individuals to deduct health care costs, just like companies, leveling the playing field and providing all Americans with a standard deduction for health insurance.
  • Expands access to Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), increasing the amount of pre-tax dollars individuals can deposit into portable savings accounts to be used for health care expenses.
  • Safeguards individuals with pre-existing conditions from being discriminated against purchasing health insurance by bolstering state-based high risk pools and extending HIPAA guaranteed availability protections.
  • Protects the unborn by ensuring no federal funding of abortions.
Next time someone tell you that the GOP has no plan, tell that person about HR 3121. Put an end to The Big Lie!
Click here for more on the GOP plan.

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