Friday, December 27, 2013

Christie Signs Six Bills, Vetoes Two

Governor Chris Christie today took action on the following legislation:


SCS for S-533/ACS for A-1401 (Norcross, Oroho/Wilson, Chivukula, Space, McHose) - The "Common Sense Shared Services Pilot Program Act"; concerns shared service agreements and joint contracts, in certain municipalities, for certain tenured local employees under "Uniform Shared Services and Consolidation Act"

S-2052/A-3132 (Singer, Beck/Vanieri Huttle, Sumter, Angelini, Benson) - Establishes bill of rights for continuing care retirement community residents

SJR-51/AJR-50 (Whelan/Conaway) - Designates November of each year as "Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Awareness Month"

A-732/S-2543 (Eustace, Schepisi/Beach, Madden) - Makes it a crime of the third degree to practice or represent oneself to others concerning certain licensed or certified health care related professions

A-4188/S-2740 (A.M. Bucco/A.R. Bucco, Codey) - Concerns requirements to report newly hired employees

AJR-65/SJR-64 (S. Kean, Angelini, Giblin/Beck) - Designates February as "Turner Syndrome Awareness Month"


S-116/A-3595 (Rice, Ruiz/Tucker, Vanieri Huttle, Wimberly) – CONDITIONAL - Establishes Disparity in Treatment of Persons with Disabilities in Underrepresented Communities Commission in DCA

S-418/A-3169 (Van Drew, Allen/Albano) - ABSOLUTE - Prohibits sale of certain laser pointers that exceed certain power output

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