Thursday, December 12, 2013

Mary Pat Christie Names Soup Kitchen 'Heroes'

New Jersey First Lady Mary Pat Christie today named Alan Weinstein of the Community Soup Kitchen and Outreach Center in Morristown as her 24th New Jersey Hero for his efforts to help fight hunger in his local community. Mr. Weinstein is responsible for creating the agency’s “Kitchen to Kitchen” program, an initiative that not only helps provide 60% of the food served at the Soup Kitchen, but also preserves the existence of this vital community resource for residents in need.

“Alan has such a strong commitment to the community,” said Mrs. Christie. “He recognized the hardships the Soup Kitchen faced and developed an innovative concept to have local restaurants supply food on an ongoing basis. It’s certainly a model that other organizations can replicate. More importantly, his actions are ensuring that neighbors and their families get the nutritious meals they need. During this season of hope and giving, I’m honored to make Alan Weinstein a New Jersey Hero.”

As the Soup Kitchen’s Restaurant Liaison, Mr. Weinstein calls on his extensive contacts within the local restaurant community for assistance in providing meals to local residents in need while helping the Community Soup Kitchen to continue to fulfill its mission 365 days a year.

“Through the Kitchen to Kitchen program, local restaurants, caterers, and hotels partner with The Community Soup Kitchen to generously share our most basic commodity, food, with those in need,” said Alan Weinstein. “Since the program was started two years ago, we have seen the number of food providers grow to include over 40 establishments. This growth is a testament to how committed our local businesses are to the community.”

During the visit, Mrs. Christie rolled up her sleeves and worked with volunteers to prepare the day’s luncheon meal as part of the Christie Administration’s Third Annual Season of Service initiative.

The Community Soup Kitchen served more than 54,000 meals in 2012, averaging 100-350 men, women and children each day. In addition, the Soup Kitchen provided more than 60 tons of food for their guests to take home.

For more information regarding the Community Soup Kitchen and Outreach Center, visit

New Jersey Heroes is an initiative of First Lady Mary Pat Christie that showcases the positive and unique ways people and organizations are impacting New Jersey and their communities. To nominate a hero, visit and follow the application instructions and submit the person you believe is a true New Jersey Hero.

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