Thursday, December 5, 2013

Message To Youth: Stay Away From Obamacare!

Evan Feinberg, President of Generation Opportunity, issued the following statement in response to President Obama’s misleading attacks today:

“Today, the President called our efforts to educate young people on alternatives to Obamacare 'bizarre.' What's bizarre is that the President of the United States would use his 'youth summit' (our invitation must have been lost in the mail) to mislead young people about their healthcare options while refusing a dialogue with anybody that has concerns about Obamacare.

“Obamacare is a bad deal for our generation, but health insurance is not. Unfortunately, Obamacare is not health insurance but generational theft, placing huge cost burdens on us to subsidize older, wealthier, and sicker generations.

“To steal a phrase, let me be clear. We have always advocated that young people make a responsible decision. And that’s to opt out of Obamacare and purchase private insurance outside of the government-run health care exchanges."

The White House Youth Summit comes on the heels of new polling indicating that young Americans have soured on Obamacare and the President.

• Only 3 out of 10 young Americans (18-29) plan to enroll in the government exchanges

• 57% of Millennials disapprove of Obamacare

• Only 18% say Obamacare will improve their care

• If a recall election were held today 52% of young Americans 18-24 would vote to recall President Obama.

Generation Opportunity is a national, non-partisan organization advocating for economic opportunity for young people through less government and more freedom.

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