Saturday, December 14, 2013

Pennsylvania Society 2013: Tout Le Monde!

Was everybody at the 115th annual partyfest known as the Pennsylvania Society at the Waldof Astoria on Park Avenue this weekend?
It certainly seemed that way.
We attended more parties and events than we could possibly mention here.
People gathered from throughout Pennsylvania and elsewhere at this traditional conclave that all but moves the the Keystone's State's mountains, rivers and picturesque valleys to the Big Apple.
It's an astonishing few days where you renew longtime friendships and meet lots of new friends as well.
So (in no particular order) here's who we saw and/or spoke at this year's soiree: Judge Richard Klein, Larry Beaser, Joan Stern, Amy Putnam, Jeff Jubelirer, Dr. Tracey Jubelirer, Joe Prim, Brian Tierney, Chief Justice Ron Castille, Vito Canuso, Sara Canuso, Randy Robinson, Pa. House candidate Billy Smith, Mike Cibik, Scott Cooper, Karen Cooper, Judge Pamela Dembe, City Councilman David Oh, Bev Flynn, Abe Reich, Ward Guilday, Brian Grocial (A heartily welcomed, new friend!) Steve McCarter, Michael Shepard, Michael Adler, Sasha Issenberg, Elaine Bettaglia, Bernie Smalley, Jacqueline Smalley, Rob McCord, Frank Rizzo, Jr., Jerry Modesire, Pennsylvania House member Ryan Mackenzie (an outstanding young Republican) Bonnie Squires, Judge Sandra Mazer Moss,nmElaine Battaglia,  Steve Sheller, Rob Rovner, Dan Gross, Holly Gross, Shira Goodman, Kim Jessum, Jim Wells, Judge Anne Lazarus, Tony Fratto, Allyson Schwartz, Tommy Leonard, Kathy Leonard, Alan Kessler, and finally . . . Former Mayor and Former Governor Ed Rendell.
But also on hand was the great Gayle Michael who heads Pennsylvania Women's Leaderhsip for the state GOP and her well-accomplished son, prominent DC attorney Geoff Michael, a partner at Arnold & Porter. Now, that's one duo we absolutely cannot forget!
BTW: When we told Governor Rendell we wanted him to run for Mayor again he chuckled and answered: "You wouldn't wish that on your worst enemy."
Please bear in mind that the above list represents only the personalities that we've been able to remember. In this slew of VIP's we become a bit overwhelmed. If we didn't mention you, please forgive us. We hope to see you next year.
Photos copyright 2013 by Dan Cirucci.

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