Monday, December 9, 2013

Ten Things We Love About Stephen Sondheim

Did you watch Six By Sondheim on HBO?
If you haven't, it will be repeated and will probably be available on demand as well. It's a must-see. It's also one of the most revealing portraits of Stephen Sondheim we've seen yet.
Well, you all know by now that we love Sondheim.
And we've seen nearly all of his shows at least once.
But based on this newest documentary (and the books that have been written about him and his work including two volumes that he's put together himself) here are ten things (beyond his music, lyrics and shows) that we just absolutely love about him:

1) That he's at a point in his life where he's so comfortable with his feelings. He laughs readily and cries easily.

2) That he's so enthusiastic -- indeed, exuberant. He takes joy in his work.

3) That he's still active and vital.

4) That he remains remarkably cogent. His sentences, his ideas, his observations are keen and thought-provoking.

5) That he not only accepts the undefinable characteristics of art but he also understands the mechanics of it. He's creative, yes -- but practical as well.

6) That he knows and accepts that nothing great ever comes without hard work. His work ethic is incredible.

7) That he is invigorated by young people and welcomes their ideas.

8) That he is grateful for and to all of the people who've helped him along the way and that he freely expresses this.

9) That he can be very comfortable alone by himself and with himself. Yet, he's hardly a loner. He's an engaged and wordily man -- at home with  and in the world.

10) That he loves teaching and cannot live without it.

Bravo, Bravo, Mr. Sondheim!
We want to hug you and hold you and never let you go.

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