Friday, December 20, 2013

Video: The Joy Of Giving - Lively, Helpful Fun

Giving around the holidays doesn't have to be boring and Jeff Havens rings bells with the Salvation Army to prove it. Unsuspecting good citizens were rewarded with a pillow fight, a serenade, bubble wrap to pop and much more. Watch the video to see what kind of AWESOME things can happen when you donate!

If you like this video, please share to spread the word that giving doesn't have to be boring!

To find out how you can donate, visit

Facts about giving:
* The average American spends $704 on holiday gifts.
* 16 million children don't have enough to eat during the holidays.
* If every adult donated $5, we could feed all 16 million children!

Thanks to -
Dane County Salvation Army
Madison Fresh Market

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