Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Christie On Human Trafficking: Don't Even Try It!

Governor Christie on Human Trafficking: 
We have a pretty clear message that you'll hear from law enforcement throughout this to anyone engaged in this conduct or somebody who four days out from the Super Bowl may be contemplating it: don't try it. 
We have eyes and ears on the ground and in cyberspace. We are watching the Internet and we are watching the neighborhoods all across this area, and if you do try it expect that you will likely be caught, and if you are caught you are going to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law by the folks you see, some of the folks you see standing behind me, and some that are sitting here in the front row.
We're committed to this fight, especially this week, to make sure people understand when they draw all this attention to the Super Bowl, that there are things that go on connected to the Super Bowl that are not things that we would want connected with this type of American event, and we're going to do everything in our power to make sure these folks don't do this and don't, don't profit from it, in fact pay with their freedom.

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