Wednesday, January 29, 2014

LaFrankie Considering US Senate Bid In NJ

From our friends at the Save Jersey blog:

Susanne LaFrankie
Susanne LaFrankie

FYI, Save Jerseyans:

Former ABC Philly reporter, radio host, public relations consultant and occasional Save Jersey contributor Susanne LaFrankie (R-Haddonfield) could soon be the latest entry into this year’s wide-open GOP U.S. Senate sweepstakes to face Sen. Cory Booker (D-Twitter) in November.

I can confirm that Susanne is actively consulting with party leaders and professionals this week. She’s also been mentioned as a possible CD1 candidate in recent weeks but her broadcasting experience and name recognition in Southern New Jersey (plus Burlington and Mercer) could give her an edge in a Republican U.S. Senate primary if “big” and/or well-heeled names continue to scoff the race.

Stay tuned…

For South Jerseyans interesting in taking a walk down memory lane (and those of you from North New Jersey who don’t know her), here’s vintage footage of Susanne on WPVI-6 heading into Memorial Day Weekend 1991…

Four other Republicans are shopping a 2014 U.S. Senate candidacy to date: former FBI agent Robert “Turk” Turkavage, concrete company GM Brian Goldberg, Freeholder businessman Tony Pezzullo, and retired Superior Court Judge Roger Daley.

- See more at:

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