Friday, January 3, 2014

10 Things NOT To Do Indoors On A Snowy Day

Many of us here in the mid-Atlantic and northeast region are stuck inside today -- trapped by a massive snowstorm they call "Hercules."
Don't ask us how they came up with the name. We're still trying to cope with the weather-induced confinement.
There are lots of things you can do inside on a snowy day. Reading and/or writing (as you can probably tell) are two of our favorites. Watching an old movie on TCM is another one. And you might just have the time to cook -- or even bake.
If you can get outside to clean your walkways and/or clear the snow off your car, that's fine.
But, back to the Great Indoors, here are ten things NOT to do:

1) Clean more than one closet. One is more than enough -- for now.
2) Try to sign up for Obamacare. Somehow, that never works out.
3) Make a doctor's appointment. They're short-staffed today and the phone lines are jammed with people canceling appointments.
4) Get too chummy with your neighbors. Trapped togetherness is fun, but only for the first few minutes. And remember -- good fences still make good neighbors.
5) Call Comcast. Everybody else is calling and the customer service is still spotty, at best.
6) Clean with strong detergents and/or abrasives. It's not like you can open the window to clear the scent out.
7) Watch daytime TV shows. Totally mind-numbing!
8) Read a book about Global Warming. Surely you've trashed that by now, haven't you?
9) Gorging yourself. Never a good idea but even worse in such a sedentary environment.
10) Sleep. Resist that temptation. Wait till tonight!

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