Thursday, January 16, 2014

Three Republicans On Senate Investigative Cttee.

New Jersey State Senate Republicans Gerald Cardinale (Bergen), Michael Doherty (Hunterdon, Somerset, Warren) and Kevin O’Toole (Bergen, Essex, Morris, Passaic) issued the following statement about their service on the seven-member “Senate Select Committee on Investigation,” which was initiated today by the full Senate:

“We thank Senate Republican Leader Kean, Senate President Sweeney and Chairwoman Weinberg for their confidence in us to serve the people on this committee in a rational and bipartisan fashion.

“We encourage members of this committee to engage with us on a judgment-free, apolitical fact-finding mission that fully and equally involves all committee members from both parties.

“This is a great responsibility that we take very seriously. We look forward to diligently carrying out our duties on this committee and putting this issue to rest.”

New Jersey's 16 Senate Republicans serve to protect families; make this state more affordable; create jobs; improve education for all students regardless of their ZIP code; and hold all levels of government accountable. This caucus urges the Senate Democrats, who at this time determine what legislation is considered, to work with us to adopt the people's priorities for New Jersey: Follow Senate Republicans on Social Media:

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