Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Rob Andrews: On A Personal Note

Over the years, we haven't agreed with Congressman Rob Andrews on a whole bunch of things.
But that's okay.
Because we'll say this much for the guy: He's always been personable, kind and fair as far as we're concerned.
If Rob Andrews has a mean streak, we haven't detected it. He's always come across as mature, friendly, professional and well-informed. So, we're not surprised that he's the kind of person that a major Philadelphia law firm would want to have in a key position.
We've known Rob from the very beginning of his political career. It cannot be denied that he's a true South Jersey success story -- someone who really worked very, very hard to get where he is today. In fact, it's a good bet that he's made tremendous sacrifices to get where he is and stay there as long as he has. Good for him. He's earned the success that he's achieved.
And we've never doubted Rob's commitment to South Jersey. He's always remembered his roots and the people who put him into office. Though we've not had occasion to avail ourselves of Rob's constituent services (our town has been part of his district and not part of it at various times) we're told that his service to his constituents is second to none.
Nobody is ever elected for life -- or at least nobody should be.
That's not healthy. It's not good for democracy. It's destructive both to the person and the system.
Everyone should know when to get off the stage - when to call it quits. And, by now you know our philosophy: Always leave them clamoring for more. Don't wait until they're almost ready to get the hook. Don't stay too long at the fair.
In fact, in his news conference announcing his departure Congressman Andrews made specific mention of some of the things we've written here about your job, your profession and the importance of loving what you do as well as the people you work for and with. All very important.
For whatever reason, Rob Andrews has chosen to take his bows now; answer those many curtain calls and bid the audience adieu.
It's a good time for him to do that.
His got a great new opportunity in front of him.
And we thank him for his service and wish him nothing but the best: Good health, happy days, a long life and continued success.

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