Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Cerf Leaving Ed. Post, Lauded By Christie

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie released the following statement regarding Commissioner Cerf’s decision to move on to the private sector:

"For more than three years, Commissioner Cerf has served New Jersey as one of the most passionate and articulate voices for the greatest civil rights challenge of our time: delivering a high quality education for every child in our state, regardless of zip code or socioeconomic status. Under his watch, our Administration has moved forward with an aggressive and innovative agenda that’s getting real results for our children. We’re bringing new levels of accountability and fairness to the way we fund public education, expanding choice for the children and families who need it most, and we achieved a landmark teacher contract in Newark that rewards the very best of the profession who are making a real difference in our kids’ lives.

"I thank Chris for his service to my Administration, to our state, and most importantly to the children of New Jersey whose lives have been changed forever through access to a quality education."

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