Friday, February 7, 2014

Christie Inaugural Committee Donates $225,000

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie's 2014 Inaugural Committee today announced that proceeds remaining from its fundraising efforts are expected to total nearly $225,000. These proceeds will go directly to benefit the Committee's three partner charities named in December - Save Ellis Island, The New Hope Baptist Church, and New Jersey Heroes - with approximately $75,000 going to each organization.

"We are incredibly proud to continue the tradition started four years ago of using the Inauguration as an opportunity to partner with and support charitable organizations that are giving back to our communities in incredible ways. This year, we are pleased to announce that each of our three partner charities will receive $75,000 in proceeds from the inaugural fund to strengthen their work of caring for in-need families, cultural enrichment, and honoring community service and volunteerism," said Inaugural Co-Chairmen Todd Christie and Bill Palatucci.

"On behalf of the Governor Christie, Lt. Governor Guadagno, and the entire Inaugural Committee, we are deeply appreciative for the generosity of every one of our contributors. Though Mother Nature changed our plans, credit goes to our supporters who enabled us to put on a special day of events for Governor Christie and give back in a significant way to these worthwhile organizations."

For more information about the Inaugural Committee's charitable partners, follow the links below:

Save Ellis Island. Save Ellis Island is the designated National Park Service non-profit fundraising partner. Its mission is to raise the funds and oversee the rehabilitation, restoration and reuse of the twenty-nine unrestored buildings on New Jersey's portion of Ellis Island.

"We're grateful to Governor Christie and the Inaugural Committee both for these additional financial resources and, importantly, the increased public attention it brings to our mission to rehabilitate the Ellis' historic structures on the New Jersey portion of the island that have remained vacant since 1954," said Save Ellis Island President Janis Calella. "Though severe weather ultimately forced its cancellation, the selection of Ellis Island as the site of Governor Christie's Inaugural Celebration brought renewed interest in the preservation of this iconic American place. We are truly thankful for the generosity of the Committee and its supporters for helping secure our vital work."

The New Hope Baptist Church. Led by Pastor Joe Carter, The New Hope Baptist Church has supported in-need Newark families and the community at large through its 14 ministries through programs that include education, food and clothing, drug abuse counseling, and youth outreach and development. The traditional morning Inaugural Service was hosted by New Hope Baptist Church on Inauguration Day.

"Given the many challenges that faith-based organizations face in serving our community by providing food, clothing, substance abuse counseling, domestic violence counseling, youth outreach, and support, we are always faced with the daily challenge of securing resources," said Pastor Joe Carter. "It is incredibly encouraging to know that people care about the people who care for others, and I thank Governor Christie and his Inaugural Committee for supporting our church in the effort to help strengthen the people of Newark."

New Jersey Heroes. Inspired by Governor Christie's 2010 Inaugural activities to recognize New Jerseyans who do remarkable things for their communities, New Jersey Heroes was founded by First Lady Mary Pat Christie to recognize everyday New Jersey citizens and promote their causes. In highlighting these amazing stories as examples to be proud of, New Jersey Heroes hopes to inspire fellow New Jerseyans to give back to their communities. Today, programmatic support has grown to include scholarships for veterans and high school seniors to use towards their post-secondary educations.

"We are so appreciative of the Inaugural Committee's generous donation to New Jersey Heroes," said Casey Mahoney, Executive Director of New Jersey Heroes. "We are constantly inspired by the stories of ordinary New Jersey citizens doing extraordinary things for their communities. These funds will allow us to continue to support the meaningful work of the individuals and organizations that make New Jersey proud."$225,000

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