Monday, February 3, 2014

Christie Video: Something Like This Won't Happen Again

From Governor Chris Christie's live appearance on tonight's "Ask The Governor" program on New Jersey radio station 101.5 FM with Eric Scott:

Governor Christie: What I'm curious about, Eric. What I'm curious about is what happened here. And that (video skips) an internal investigation as I talked about on January 9th.

Eric Scott: Mmm hmm.

Christie: And we've hired a law firm to come in and do that internal investigation. They're working really hard. They're working diligently. And I can't wait for them to be finished so that I can get the full story, here.

Eric Scott: And this is the internal investigation of your staff to determine who may have known --

Governor Christie: Right

Eric Scott: -- What?

Governor Christie: And get into the situation. I mean, we're going to try to get as much information as we possibly can by interviewing folks and reviewing documents that are in our possession that we have access to. And then they're going to give a report. And so that's what I'm really anxious to find out about.

Eric Scott: Is there a timeline on that?

Governor Christie: My timeline for them is as quickly as possible.

Eric Scott: Because you made it clear during that press conference if you find out anybody else on your staff lied that there are going to be repercussions.

Governor Christie: They'll be fired. I mean listen, here's the thing that I find so interesting is what's going on now with all this other stuff? It's just a game of gotcha. You know it, you ,know when did I first learn about this or that. Well, the fact of the matter is I've been very clear about this. Before these lanes were closed, I knew nothing about it. I didn't plan it. I didn't authorize it. I didn't approve it. I knew nothing about it. Thereafter, and I've said this a number of times before, it became clear to me that this was an issue that I had to have somebody look into when the Foye email came out. So, in the period of time before that, there were press accounts. You know, things could have been mentioned to me about traffic at any point in time. None of it was memorable to me, Eric, because I didn't know there was any issue. So, what I'm curious about -- I'm sure the documents will eventually, I'll get a chance to look at them. I mean, I don't even know if we've gotten copies of them at this point in the Governor's Office because they were produced to the Legislature. But, what I'm really curious about is the folks that I've hired. We hired a national law firm to come in, being led by a former Assistant United States Attorney who is leading an internal investigation who has done a lot of interviews, I know already. And I want to find out what happened here so I can make changes if necessary. If there's anybody else that needs to be held to account, I'll hold them to account. And then to make changes hopefully so I can assure the people of New Jersey that something like this won't happen again.

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