Saturday, February 8, 2014

Corbett & Co. Dem Gov. Candidates Are The 'D Team'

Corbett-Cawley Campaign Manager Mike Barley released the following statement on last night's PA Dems forum:

“Each one of the Democratic candidates running for Governor or Lt. Governor agree on every issue as they embrace the failed Obama big government platform. 
"They all believe hardworking Pennsylvanians’ should pay more taxes, moving a families checking and savings account balances to the state government slush fund to increase wasteful spending. They want Obamacare to be implemented, costing jobs, quality health care, your doctor and more money. They want to shut down the energy industry which would increase energy costs for middle class families, kill jobs in the natural gas and coal industries, and make our country more dependent on foreign oil.”

“The Republican Party of Pennsylvania got it right. This is the “D-Team” of candidates.”

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