Saturday, February 1, 2014

GOP Grassroots Leaders Stand With Corbett

Today at the annual Winter Meeting of the Republican Party of Pennsylvania, grassroots leaders officially endorsed Governor Tom Corbett and Lt. Governor Jim Cawley for re-election in 2014. They were joined by First Lady Susan Corbett and members of the Corbett family. 

This is the 4th time the Republican Party of Pennsylvania has endorsed Tom Corbett for statewide office, including twice for Attorney General in 2004 and 2008, and the 2010 gubernatorial race.

“Jim and I are honored to once again have the support of the Republican Party of Pennsylvania as we seek re-election this year and are grateful for the grassroots leaders and volunteers of our party for the hard work they have done and will continue to do to deliver a victory in November,” said Governor Tom Corbett.

“For the last three years we have worked to turn Pennsylvania around, cutting wasteful government spending, responsibly balancing our budgets on-time and leading with a ‘More Jobs, Less Taxes’ agenda that’s keeping taxes low and putting more Pennsylvanians back to work in the private sector. With the help of a growing energy sector, Pennsylvania is once again open for business and unemployment is at a five year low. Pennsylvania’s best days are just ahead, and with four more years, we will be able to ensure that our children and grandchildren have the bright future they deserve.”

Lt. Governor Cawley added, “The Republican Party of Pennsylvania’s endorsement and the work being done at the grassroots level will be critical not only in the coming weeks during the petition process, but over the next nine months as we continue to get out our message of reform and opportunity to continue making Pennsylvania a better place to live, work and raise our families.”

Pennsylvania’s Republican Congressional Delegation also showed their support for the Corbett-Cawley team at the Republican Party of Pennsylvania’s annual Lincoln Day Dinner, when Congressmen GT Thompson, Charlie Dent and Tom Marino presented Governor Corbett with a football helmet signed by all 13 Republican members.

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