Friday, February 28, 2014

Here's Who Will Win Top Oscars . . .

Who will win the top Oscars tomorrow night?
We've been quite adept in recent years at picking the outcome of these things, so here goes . . .
Best Director - Alfono Cuaron, Gravity
Best Supporting Actress - Lupita Lyong'o 12 Years A Slave
Best Supporting Actor - Jared Leto, American Hustle
Best Actress - Cate Blanchett - Blue Jasmine
Best Actor - Matthew McConaughey - Dallas Buyers Club
Best Picture - 12 Years A Slave*
Note that we have revised this prediction at the list minute. We now believe "12 Years" will win the top prize.
What are your picks?
Watch the Oscars tomorrow night and see how well you (and we) have done.

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