Friday, February 21, 2014

Important News About The Dan Cirucci Blog

The Dan Cirucci Blog is about to travel - Big Time!
We'll be taking a huge journey and we're taking you along with us.
That's the good news, folks.
But our "bon voyage" means that for the first time in more than six years there may not be new posts on the Dan Cirucci Blog every single day. We will try to be here every day (because we know that's what you're accustomed to and you need your daily blog fix) but we simply cannot guarantee it.
But we will guarantee you this: We're headed for a once-in-a-lifetime adventure -- a journey to one of the most stunning, awe-inspiring, breathtaking places imaginable.
And we'll be sharing as much of it as we can with you just as soon as we can.
It's gonna be great!
Oh, this too -- Some of our blogger friends may be filling in and posting here over the next several weeks from time to time. We know you're gonna be enjoying them and welcoming them just as you would us.
So, be patient, stay with us, hang on tight and get ready. We're in for a great, new adventure!

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