Wednesday, February 5, 2014

To The Tea Party . . . Wouldn't You Think?

From our friends at the wonderful Save Jersey blog:
So, let’s say that in a very Blue state, a Republican came along and ran for Governor. Let’s say that registered Democrats outnumbered registered Republicans by, oh say, 700,000 voters. And let’s add that this Republican is pro-life and ran against the political influence of public sector unions.

Let’s also say that he managed to navigate political waters teeming with North Jersey Democrats out to personally destroy him and South Jersey Democrats eager to leverage his candidacy to outmaneuver their North Jersey counterparts. And finally, let’s say that this Republican pulled it off; got himself elected in this Bluest of Blue states.

Fast forward into his first term and look back on pension and benefit reform; tenure reform; rationalization of the Department of Environmental Protection and regulatory reform to encourage small business growth; a dramatic plan to revitalize Atlantic City; restoration of school aid; aggressive marketing of New Jersey as a place for businesses and families to locate. And all of this with a Democrat-controlled legislature.

One would think that such a Republican would be embraced by Tea Partiers as an example of what can be accomplished when Republicans offer an alternative vision to the liberal-progressive nanny state narrative.

Wouldn’t it make sense for Tea Partiers to put aside a few of their litmus tests in favor of keeping a 95% Conservative in the Governor’s office in a very Blue state? Wouldn’t it be smart for the far right to embrace keeping progressives out of a Northeast Governor’s seat to help staunch the socialist tide? The answer to both these questions is yes. But to get to yes, you would have to be capable of seeing past the end of your nose.

It is becoming more and more obvious that the Tea Party movement, of which I consider myself a founding member, has embraced a “kill our own” mentality that is being pursued with incredible zeal in the wake of New Jersey’s “bridgegate” revelations. Only Obama’s Goebbelsian MSNBC has been more harsh to Chris Christie than some of the right wing elite. Every day I watch as blogs and comments and Facebook posts from the Tea Party-ish gleefully tear into Governor Christie and cheer on his demise. Most grotesquely, they have been reposting the reporting of the New York Times as gospel.

Someone tell me in what fornicating world does it make sense for the self-proclaimed true keepers of the Conservative flame to tweet, blog, post and share the liberal rantings of The Gray Lady in order to damage the public image of a Republican Governor in a Blue state. I guess giving a few New Jersey kids, whose parents don’t have green cards, in-state tuition warrants burning our own in the public square.

“Bridgegate” will end up somewhere. If crimes were committed, people will be indicted. If the Governor knew something he said he didn’t, he will pay a political price. The key word here being “if.” As long as that “if” is hanging out there, the Conservative movement should be working against the DNC narrative which has put conviction before investigation. We should be pointing out that elections have consequence and the dedication of limited resources is prioritized by the winners of those elections. We should be reminding people that politics ain’t paddy cake and it takes a tough guy to make reform happen in New Jersey.

Instead, our Tea Puritans are creating the Tea Party wing of MSNBC and joining forces with the New York Times.

Check please.

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