Tuesday, March 25, 2014

GOP Senate Majority Now Within Sight

A special message from the National Republican Senatorial Committee:

The latest news from Nate Silver - the Democrats' favorite pollster who famously called every state in the 2012 presidential election - should give those of us aiming for a GOP Senate majority reason to be optimistic.

In an upgrade from what was once a pure toss-up, he writes: "We think the Republicans are now slight favorites to win at least six seats and capture the chamber."

He laid out the raw calculations on Sunday's episode of This Week with George Stephanopoulos. The big reason? A great class of GOP candidates - and the sinking Senate Democrats, weighed down by President Obama's low approval rating.

Four states - out of the six needed for a majority - are "likely" to be picked up by Republicans. Those seats are West Virginia, South Dakota, Montana, and Arkansas.

And between toss-up races like North Carolina and Michigan, and recent map expansions (Colorado, New Hampshire) - there's a lot out there that could easily swing our way with the right work.

Most importantly, Nate Silver also called out the national "momentum shift" of the nation. Fed up with years of bad results from Democrats, Americans are looking for new management.

We've got candidates ready to step up and lead. We just need your help getting there.

It's our time. We've got the best opportunity in years to take the Senate and put new leadership in Congress. Senate Republicans are running to end years of dysfunction and get the country back on track.

Please help us make this happen. Donate $100, $50, or $25 today. Our Senate Majority is there for the taking.


Senate Republicans

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