Sunday, March 30, 2014

Yo, Cherry Hill: Cherry Blossom Time Awaits!

A special message from Cherry Hill's indefatigable public-spirited citizen, Joe Zanghi:

On April 12th, 2014 - Cherry Hill Firefighters will continue their 40 year tradition of cherry tree plantings along Chapel Avenue in Cherry Hill, NJ. In addition to this effort - - American flags will be placed among the cherry trees at Kennedy Memorial Hospital and Joyce Kilmer Elementary School on Chapel Avenue in remembrance of the victims of September 11, 2001 and to show proud support for our brave men and women in the military.

Chapel Avenue’s two mile avenue of blossoming cherry trees is to encourage a “Celebration of Cherry Hill” event! Whereas the full community can have an opportunity to showcase all of the positive attributes of Cherry Hill by the staging cherry blossom themed activities during the time period of the cherry blossoms presence in Cherry Hill.

The cherry blossoms in Washington, DC are projected to arrive between April 8 and April 12th, 2014!

Based on this information we can expect the cherry blossoms to arrive in Cherry Hill sometime in the third week of April and lasting to the end of the month.

All are welcome to witness the two mile avenue of beautiful cherry blossoms. We encourage families to bring their children and explain to them what this cherry blossom avenue is all about. Have them place an American flag or a flower at the base of any of the cherry trees  - so that they can be taught a lesson of patriotism and love for country.

Cherry tree contribution are still needed for this year’s planting! If anyone cares to support this year’s effort of planting cherry trees on Chapel Avenue  - - a contibution of $100.00 will pay for one cherry tree. Contributors can contact me at:


Joe Zanghi

Witness a scenic drive-through Chapel Avenue's two-mile avenue of cherry blossoms in Cherry Hill, NJ

Driving West on Chapel Avenue:

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