Friday, April 4, 2014

Boehner: Where Are The Promised Jobs?

House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) released the following statement today regarding the Department of Labor’s unemployment report for March 2014:

“I’m glad more Americans have found work, but our economy still isn’t creating jobs for the American people at the rate they were promised. Under the Republican jobs plan, the House has passed dozens of bills that would help fuel economic growth by expanding all types of energy production, protecting families and small business from ObamaCare, improving education and job training, and more. Senate Democrats have no excuse for standing in the way of these common-sense jobs measures, many of which passed with bipartisan support, and I urge them to act immediately.”

NOTE: Read the Republican Plan for Economic Growth & Jobs at and visit for a full list of House-passed jobs measures that are being blocked in the Democratic-led Senate. - See more at:

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