Tuesday, April 1, 2014

BREAKING: Biden Announces He's Running In 2016!

Vice President Joe Biden took to Twitter today to announce that he's running in 2016.
The Vice President's announcement took the form of a succinct tweet that left no mistake about his intentions.
Many have speculated for months about whether this veteran politico (who has run several times before) would throw his hat in the ring for the next big round in 2016. One of the most battle-tested public figures in American life, Biden has been both the butt of jokes and the envy of many for his longevity, willingness to adapt to the popular culture and ability to overcome gaffes, setbacks and outright drubbings.
"This guy has had more comebacks than Judy Garland and Elvis Presley combined," one Beltway insider commented. "They call Bill Clinton 'the comeback kid' and they called Reagan 'the teflon president' but Biden is super teflon with unlimited comeback instincts," he added. "I don't put anything past him and I'm not at all surprised that he chose to make his announcement sooner rather than later."
Biden gave a hint that he might be running on yesterday's Rachel Ray Show, a key barometer of the popular culture that is closely watched at the White House, in Congress and even at the nation's high court.
When Ray mentioned that she had been to First Lady Michelle Obama's lavish, tres chic, top-secret birthday bash Obama quickly entered into a name-dropping go round with the sometimes shrill TV host and the vice president gave as good as he got.
Then, Ray gazed lovingly at Biden's, got all got dewy-eyed and proclaimed: "You have the most beautiful skin; so smooth, so lovely, so perfect." The audience applauded wildly and Biden beamed. A hush then enveloped the studio as Ray quietly told the veep: "I have to ask you a question. I hope you'll be able to answer. I love moisturizers. My husband uses a moisturizer. And, you're skin is so smooth I have to ask you what kind of moisturizer do you use?"
Surely Biden surmised by now that the answer to this question could play a large part in determining his future. Ray is a keen, incisive interviewer whose guests have included the Kardashians, Gwyneth Paltrow and Alec Baldwin. Was this a trick question? How candid should Biden be? How would his answer play with key audiences such as single women, single moms and a certain group of select single men?
This was a toughie.
But smooth-skinned Joe didn't wince.
Instead, he smartly folded his wife Dr. Jill Biden into his response. Turning to his feminine side he said: "Well, Jill wants me to take care of my skin so she recommended Clinique moisturizer which has an SPF 20."
Ray beamed her approval as the audience squealed with delight and producers cued a Clinique commercial to follow the segment.
Of course, SPF refers to the power of the sun block element in any moisturizer or sun block product. Beyond blocking the sun, many recommend a light skin peel as skin ages to renew cells and bring back a more youthful glow.
Though Biden did not indicate whether or not he's ever had a peel, his tweet today was telling.
"I'm in it to skin it," Biden announced.
Later, officials of both the National Muskrat Skinning competition and the 2016 Sprint for Seniors 5K said they would heartily welcome Biden.
"I'm glad they took the hint," Biden responded.

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