Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Christie On Arb Cap: We Need 9 Brave Democrats


Governor Christie: There’s very few things we find in government that actually work. We actually stumbled onto one.
This works, and they refuse to do it, and the reason they refuse to do it in my opinion is because the people who donate so generously to their campaigns, the PBA, the FOP, the FMBA, are telling them they don’t want it.
Why? Because they want to go back to the old system of 4, 5, 6 percent-plus raises. Why wouldn’t they? Why wouldn’t you? Because you have to pay for it, and it doesn’t make any sense, and we’ve slowed down the growth of property taxes to the slowest rate of growth in the last 24 years.
Why would we want to change that? So you’re going to hear a lot about this. You may have read some about it today in the paper, and you have to go to every member of the Assembly, every one of them, and ask them why don’t they make it the order of the day the next time the Assembly’s in? Get a majority of votes to force the Speaker to bring it to the floor. I can tell you you’ll get all 32 Republican votes for that, which means we only need nine brave Democrats to stand up and say you know what?
This is what’s right for the property taxpayers of New Jersey.

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