Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Corbett Airs Radio Spot Aimed At Wolf, Schwartz

In Pennsylvania, the Corbett-Cawley campaign today released their latest radio spot, entitled Twice as Bad, which will begin hitting the airwaves statewide today. The ad focuses on Congresswoman Allyson Schwartz’s extreme liberal agenda and millionaire Secretary’s Tom Wolf’s fondness for high taxes on middle class Pennsylvania families.

“Pennsylvania voters need to know the truth about extreme liberal Congresswoman Allyson Schwartz and millionaire Secretary Tom Wolf,” stated Corbett-Cawley campaign manager Mike Barley. “Our ad shines a light on the soft spot Congresswoman Schwartz has for the liberal President Barack Obama agenda and millionaire Secretary Tom Wolf’s desire to hike taxes on middle class Pennsylvania families.”

The script of the ad and the sources for each claim are listed below. You can listen to the radio spot HERE.

There’s liberal, there’s extremely liberal, and then there’s Allyson Schwartz.

Schwartz has voted with Obama’s liberal agenda almost unanimously [1].

Schwartz even helped write disastrous Obamacare [2].

And Schwartz is so extreme on gun control, the NRA graded her an F [3].

Now many of the same liberal groups who endorsed Obama and Clinton are supporting Schwartz for Governor [4].

Then there’s Tom Wolf, who conveniently left out of his ads that he was the state’s Revenue Secretary in Harrisburg [5].

You know, the top tax collector.

And Wolf was a job killing bureaucrat.

On Wolf’s watch, taxes were high [6], killing 100,000 PA jobs and our unemployment went up almost 50% [7].

But the real insult?

Wolf is a millionaire, but he fought to increase taxes on average Pennsylvanians including higher taxes on home heating and the sales tax [8].

Tom Wolf: High taxes, fewer jobs.


[1] CQ 2011 Vote study, (95% score in 2011. Subsequent scores are 91% in 2012 and 92% in 2013)

[2] Schwartz Press Release,


[4] e.g. Planned Parenthood, Emily’s List

[5] Wolf served as Revenue Secretary for 19 months from 4/07 to 11/08

[6] (2014 report shows that tax burden in Pennsylvania was highest in 2008, while Wolf was revenue secretary)

[7] Bureau of Labor Statistics (The number of unemployed Pennsylvanians increased by 152,665 under Wolf and the unemployment rate increased from 4.2% to 6.2%)

[8] Pennsylvania Senate Appropriations Committee Budget Hearing, 2/26/07 (video available)

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