Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Corbett Campaign Blasts Schwartz On Obamacare

Corbett-Cawley Campaign Manager Mike Barley released the following statement regarding Congresswoman Allyson Schwartz latest television ad and MSNBC appearance, fully embracing the ObamaCare legislative disaster in the Democratic primary for governor:

"Despite cancelled policies, skyrocketing premiums, lost doctors and jobs, Congresswoman Allyson Schwartz has turned her back on Pennsylvania for good," said Barley. "Congresswoman Schwartz has embraced an extreme liberal agenda in Washington, DC and the disastrous healthcare takeover she helped to write and force upon hardworking Pennsylvanians. Now Congresswoman Schwartz hopes to bring those failed budget-busting Obama policies to Harrisburg, proving just how out of touch she is with the people of Pennsylvania."


Pennsylvania Individual Premiums Up 28%; Small Group Premiums up 66%: "Health insurance premiums are showing the sharpest increases perhaps ever according to a survey of brokers who sell coverage in the individual and small group market...For the individual insurance market (plans sold directly to consumers); among the ten states seeing some of the sharpest average increases are: Delaware at 100%, New Hampshire 90%, Indiana 54%, California 53%, Connecticut 45%, Michigan 36%, Florida 37%, Georgia 29%, Kentucky 29%, and Pennsylvania 28%. For the small group market, among the ten states seeing the biggest increases are: Washington 588%, Pennsylvania 66%, California 37%, Indiana 34%, Kentucky 30%, Colorado 29%, Michigan 27%, Maryland 25%, Missouri 25%, and Nevada 23%." (Scott Gottlieb, "Healthcare Plan Premiums Are Skyrocketing According to New Survey of 148 Insurance Brokers, With Delaware Up 100%, California 53%, Florida 37%, Pennsylvania 28%," Forbes, 04/07/2014)

250,000 Pennsylvanians Notified Their Health Care Plans Will Be Cancelled Despite Promise 'If You Like Your Plan, You Can Keep It': "Since Oct. 1, more than 250,000 Pennsylvanians have been notified that their current health care coverage is being canceled due to the implementation of the ACA. That number is expected to continue to grow, leaving tens of thousands of more Pennsylvanians without access to health care." (Office of the Governor, "Governor Corbett Calls on President Obama for Permanent Solutions to Affordable Care Act Issues and to Protect Pennsylvanians' Health Care," Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 11/14/2013)

• 'Lie of the Year': "If you like your health care plan, you can keep it," President Barack Obama said -- many times -- of his landmark new law…PolitiFact has named "If you like your health care plan, you can keep it," the Lie of the Year for 2013.” (Angie Drobnic Holan, “Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it',” Politifact, 12/12/13)

• Congresswoman Schwartz: “If you already have health coverage you like, you can keep it.” (Congresswoman Allyson Schwartz, “Affordable Care Act: Update,” Office of Congresswoman Allyson Schwartz, Acc. 3/4/2014)

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