Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Corbett Campaign Has $6 Million On Hand

Tom Corbett for Governor Campaign Manager Mike Barley released the following statement along with the Tom Corbett for Governor campaign's 2014 first quarter campaign finance highlights.

"Our campaign is in a strong position from a fundraising and organizational perspective. We are executing our plan that is rooted in building a grassroots structure with a heavy emphasis on using new technologies and data that will help us share Governor Corbett's message and record with the voters."

"Since taking office, Governor Tom Corbett has put Pennsylvania back on track, reducing government waste, keeping taxes low and fostering a pro-jobs climate that allows our economy to thrive and continue putting Pennsylvanians back to work."

First Quarter Campaign Finance Report Highlights

• Total Raised -- $1.4 million
• Cash on Hand -- $5.9 million

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