Saturday, April 12, 2014

Corbett-Cawley: Obama Should Envy PA Economy

The Corbett-Cawley Campaign today released the following statement from Lieutenant Governor Jim Cawley regarding President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden’s visit to Allegheny County next Wednesday. According to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, their visit will focus on the economy.

“It is encouraging that the President and Vice President would look to Pennsylvania’s economy for solutions as to how to get our country working again. As I am sure the President and Vice President are already aware, Pennsylvania’s unemployment rate is considerably lower than the national average and is also at its lowest level since 2008. Additionally, the fact that Pennsylvania saw the largest drop in unemployment claims for the month of March is proof that Governor Corbett’s 'less taxes, more jobs' agenda is working.

“When the Administration is in town, given the President’s repeated assurances that he supports an all-of-the-above energy policy, I hope he sees firsthand the benefits of Pennsylvania’s thriving Marcellus Shale activity that has created tens of thousands of direct and indirect jobs. They will also see firsthand the benefits of the $600 million for new local roads and bridges that are the direct result of legislation that Governor Corbett was able to shepherd through the state legislature in 2012.

“It is my hope, however, that the President and Vice President are not here to tout the policies that the liberal Democrats running for Pennsylvania governor hope to import from Washington, DC to Harrisburg that have left our country with the lowest workforce participation rate since the Jimmy Carter Administration.”

The jobs outlook in Pennsylvania continues to improve under the Corbett-Cawley Administration. The Associated Press recently reported that Pennsylvania saw the biggest decrease in unemployment claims for mid-March in the entire country. The campaign also announced last month that an additional 2,431 manufacturing jobs are projected to come to the Pittsburgh, Scranton-Wilkes-Barre and Capital regions.

That good news followed another positive unemployment report that showed even further improvement in the state’s jobless rate, which is now at 6.2% – a 2 point drop since Corbett took office and the state’s lowest mark since November 2008.

News of the improving unemployment earned Governor Corbett accolades from around Pennsylvania, including:

Congressman Glen “G.T.” Thompson;

Senator Pat Toomey;

Pennsylvania NFIB;

Pennsylvania Manufacturers’ Association;

Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry; and

State Representative and Philadelphia GOP Chairman John Taylor.

For more information on the Corbett-Cawley campaign of less taxes and more jobs, please visit

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