Monday, April 28, 2014

Corbett Pushes Dems To Release Tax Returns

The Tom Corbett Campaign today personally invited Pennsylvania Democratic Chairman Jim Burn to sign the campaign’s online petition calling on the Democratic candidates for Governor to publicly release 10 years of personal tax returns. The petition also calls for millionaire Secretary Tom Wolf to release his corporate tax returns due to the vested interest the Pennsylvania taxpayers have in the company that Wolf used as collateral to get a $4.5 million loan to fund his primary campaign. The Corbett Campaign launched the petition on Thursday and said they will be sending personal invitations to the Democratic officials across Pennsylvania who have previously voiced their support for the long-term release of tax returns to sign the Corbett campaign’s petition.

Secretary Tom Wolf has indicated that he has no intentions of releasing further tax returns beyond 2010, 2011 and 2012 where he paid an average of 8.73 percent in taxes. In February, Wolf expressed his willingness to release his personal and corporate tax returns, stating at the WHYY Newsworks and the Philadelphia Business Journal 2014 Gubernatorial Forum, “I’ll share whatever people like you want me to share, my personal tax returns, and the company information.” He also added, “I’ll be happy to share whatever anybody wants to see, that’s been my practice throughout my business career.”

Corbett is still the only candidate to publicly release 10 years of tax returns.

You can view a PDF file of the Corbett campaign’s invitation HERE.

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