Monday, April 7, 2014

Foundation Unearths Troubling NY Abortion Records

The Chiaroscuro Foundation has obtained records of clinic inspections performed by the New York State Department of Health since 2000 by Freedom of Information Request. As the New York Post reports today, the findings are less than encouraging: of the 225 abortion providers operating in New York, only 17 clinics were inspected over 13 years.

"Everyone on all sides of the abortion question was horrified by the revelations in the trial of Kermit Gosnell last year," said Greg Pfundstein, president of the Chiaroscuro Foundation. "As we learned about the house of horrors he ran in Philadelphia, and as it came out that the state of Pennsylvania had made a political decision to stop inspecting abortion clinics, we began to wonder whether any inspections were being done in New York. We are encouraged to know that some inspection is done in New York, but we can't say on the basis of what the State has done over the last 13 years that anyone should be confident there is not a Kermit Gosnell at work somewhere in New York."

The State refuses the reveal the names of the clinics which were inspected, the Chiaroscuro Foundation said.

"Women deserve to know whether a clinic they are about to visit has been inspected and is in compliance with health regulations," said Chiaroscuro spokeswoman Molly O'Connor, "A surgical abortion is an invasive procedure, and safety is of paramount importance."

There have been 1,145,261 abortions reported in New York City alone since 2000, during which time the Department of Health executed only 45 inspections.

The Chiaroscuro Foundation, which works to reduce the number of abortions in New York, a state often called the abortion capital of America, said that organizations on all sides of the abortion issue to join them in calling for an investigation.

"Women's health is women's health," Ms. O'Connor continued. "Whether you are an abortion supporter or an abortion opponent, we should all stand firmly on the side of safety. We urge NARAL and other abortion groups to join together with us in demanding answers from New York State."

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