Friday, April 4, 2014

Meet America's Latest Martyr To Free Speech

Here is a special message from catholic

Dear CV Friend, 

Brendan Eich was forced to quit.

His crime?

Donating $1,000 to support a marriage amendment in California -- eight years ago!

Remember that in 2008, both Barack Obama and Joe Biden were on record against “gay marriage.”

But Eich's donation was an unforgivable sin for the online hate mob that demanded that the tech company Mozilla push out Brendan Eich as CEO.

But why should you care?Make no mistake: Anti-marriage activists want to change public opinion so that anyone that disagrees with them are shamed as bigots -- for believing in the simple truth that children deserve a mom and dad.

A high profile executive is an easy target. But don't be fooled. If you and I don't push back against this radical intolerance, they'll continue their attacks on everything we hold dear -- and everyone we hold dear.The first thing you can do is stop doing business with Mozilla.

If you browse the Internet with Mozilla's ‘Firefox’ browser, please uninstall that program now. 
...then tell everyone you know via Facebook, Twitter, email, and in person that you have stopped using the Firefox browser.

But we also have to do the hard work of changing our culture. You and I both have friends and family who (unfortunately) support redefining marriage. They have been duped into thinking that it’s just about marriage, equality and fairness.

So tell them about this episode. Expose the truth about anti-marriage bigots.

Because the hate is now directed at you and me.

And it’s going to get a lot worse if we don’t fight back.


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