Monday, April 7, 2014

Pope: Carry Bible With You On Smartphone

Following yesterday's Angelus, the Pope prayed a Hail Mary for the Tutsi victims of the genocide that devastated Rwanda twenty years ago. He encouraged the Rwandan people to “continue with determination and hope the process of reconciliation that has already borne fruit, and in your commitment to the human and spiritual rebuilding of the country”, and added, “Do not be afraid! Build your society on the rock of the Gospel, in love and harmony, as only in this way can lasting peace be created”.
The Pope mentioned the people of L'Aquila who, five years after the earthquake that destroyed the city claiming many lives, are working for its reconstruction, and also prayed for the victims of the outbreak of the Ebola virus in Guinea and neighbouring countries.

“During the last few Sundays I have suggested to all of you to obtain a small copy of the Gospel, to carry with you during the day, so you can read it frequently. Then I thought of an ancient tradition of the Church during Lent, of giving the Gospel to catechumens, and to those who are preparing for Baptism. 
So, today I wish to offer you, here in the square – but as a sign to all – a pocket-sized Gospel. It will be distributed free. … And like Him, I say to you, freely you have received, freely give – give the message of the Gospel! … Let us do something: in exchange for this give, carry out an act of charity, a gesture of love, freely given; a prayer for enemies, reconciliation, something. 
Today we can also read the Gospel using many technological instruments. You can carry the entire Bible around with you in a smartphone, in a tablet. The important thing is to read the Word of God, by any means – read the Word of God, is it Jesus who is speaking to you!”

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