Friday, April 11, 2014

Scott Brown To Run For Senate In New Hampshire!

Here is a special announcement from Senator Scott Brown:
I wanted you to be the first to know that I have made my decision on whether to run for the United States Senate against ObamaCare Democrat Jeanne Shaheen ...
And I'm in!
Our country needs fiscally conservative leaders to break through the partisan gridlock in Washington and get our country back on the right track. I'm committed to exactly that. But right from the start, I need your help to win.

I'm taking my GMC truck on an uphill climb, and I know I can win with your support. My opponent says she's independent of President Obama, but she votes with him 99% of the time. She claims to be an independent voice, but she has backed Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and her party on every single issue. ObamaCare is a disaster, but she cast the tie-breaking vote and still supports it wholeheartedly. She is desperate to distract from her voting record these last six years, but New Hampshire voters are smarter than that.

Daniel, please make the secure online contribution that will help me run hard and win. Your contribution of $10, $35, $50, $100, $250, or whatever amount is right for youwill buy our yard signs, bumper stickers, radio spots, and TV ads. Your generosity will set in motion an aggressive winning grassroots campaign.

While I'm confident we will win, here at the beginning of my race I'm the underdog. Jeanne Shaheen has $4.35 million in campaign cash and I'm just getting started. She's leading in the polls, but here's the thing:

All my life I've been an underdog, gone against the odds, and beat a stacked deck.
I know I will win, all it takes is a helping hand from friends like you.
Incumbent Jeanne Shaheen thinks ObamaCare is just what the country needs and that the Obama Economic Agenda will take us where we want to go. Those two issues show that she's out of touch with voters, and that this is a winnable race. However, the Washington Insiders and the Liberal Super PACs will do everything they can to save her campaign. After all, she's a dependable vote for the left-wing Obama agenda. Defeating Jeanne Shaheen will take my very best effort ... and it will take you, Daniel.

Make your online contribution of $10 or $100 or $1,000 and guide us to victory. I will be so proud to have your help.

Scott Brown 

P.S. I'm the underdog in this race but that doesn't concern me a bit. Jeanne Shaheen is sitting atop a mountain of campaign cash that's $4.35 million high but we will overcome that together. The harder I campaign, the faster we will close the gap. Demonstrate your support for our Senate race with your online contribution of $10, $35, $50, $100, $175, $250, $500, $1,000, or another amount today. We can do this.

Contribute button

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