Thursday, April 24, 2014

Shore Lawmakers: Keep Sandy Aid In NJ!

Republican legislators representing Jersey Shore communities impacted by Superstorm Sandy will introduce resolutions in both houses of the NJ State Legislature urging the United States Congress to block a reported effort by the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to divert more than $1 billion from remaining Sandy aid funding to projects in other parts of the country.

The resolutions will be introduced by Senator Jim Holzapfel and Assemblyman Greg McGuckin, both of the 10th District. Senators Joe Kyrillos (R-13), Jennifer Beck (R-11), Robert Singer (R-30) and Christopher Connors (R-9) will join as co-sponsors of the Senate Resolution. Assembly members Dave Wolfe (R-10), Brian Rumpf (R-9), DiAnne Gove (R-9) and Declan O'Scanlon (R-13) will join as co-sponsors of the Assembly resolution.

The legislators issued the following joint statement:

"Despite the readily visible and widespread destruction caused by Superstorm Sandy, New Jersey had to fight for months to get Congress to approve an aid package. No other state that has been the victim of disaster on the scale of Sandy has had to jump through the hoops that New Jersey had to for federal aid.

"Now, HUD wants to take away more than a billion of federal Sandy disaster assistance while thousands of our residents and business owners are still waiting for help. That's just wrong.

"The aid that Congress approved for Sandy recovery should not be diverted around the nation for unrelated purposes. New Jersey's congressional delegation must step up and oppose HUD's harmful and unjust plan."

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