Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Votes In Congress Reveal R And D Differences

Here is a  very special message from Philadelphia's Independence Hall Tea Party Association: 

Dear Members and Friends,

While it is tax season for all, it is also a sacred time of the year for so many of you who observe Holy Week and Passover. We pray that you and your families receive God's many blessings as you celebrate your religious traditions.

2014 Tax Day Congressional Scorecard 

During tax week five years ago (2009), over 2,000 of us gathered on Independence Mall to protest the economic direction of our country (photo below). At the time, Democrats completely controlled the executive and legislative branches of government.

While we spoke loudly and clearly, our voices were ignored by so many of those in government and the media.

A year later, we made sure that our voices were heard--this time in the voting booth. In our region, alone, we flipped 5 seats from Democrat to Republican.

Our 2010 victories produced Senator Pat Toomey (pictured above at the podium), Congressmen John Runyan, Mike Fitzpatrick, Pat Meehan, and Lou Barletta.

As a result of our successes in this region and elsewhere, Nancy Pelosi was fired as Speaker of the House. We demonstrated that vigilance is the answer to a non-responsive government--and the liberal press.

In that vein, for the past few years, the Association has issued a Tax Day Congressional Scorecard for the tri-state (DE, NJ, PA) area, so that you might have a clearer picture of how your US House and Senate members are voting--especially on economic issues.

Association Board Member Cort Rosholt, the Architect of our 2014 scorecard, compiled a cross section of over 40 key US House and Senate votes. The scorecard makes it painfully obvious that there is a major difference in voting records of Democrats and Republicans.

In the House and Senate, Democrats received an approval rating of between 0% and 14%. The Republican approval rating was between 60% and 98%--with the average score over 80%.

To check the scores of your Representative and Senators, please click the following links:

2014 House Scorecard

2014 Senate Scorecard

To review the key votes used to tabulate the scorecard, please click the following links:

2013-14 Key House Votes

2013-14 Key Senate Votes

We hope you find Cort's scorecard both as illuminating and instructive as we did.

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