Friday, May 9, 2014

AFP New Jersey Slams Call For Tax Hikes

Americans for Prosperity  (AFP) is slamming New Jersey Policy Perspective’s Gordon MacInnes and others for calling on the Legislature to raise taxes.
“Here’s a news flash for those calling for higher taxes: you don’t speak for taxpayers and their values, and you sure don’t care about their plight and suffering,” railed AFP state director Daryn Iwicki. “Today, May 9th New Jerseyans celebrate their tax freedom, last in the country to do so and yet some call for more.
“A clear majority of New Jerseyans, 57-32, have indicated they would rather ‘cut services’ than ‘raise taxes to balance to balance the budget.’  So when Mr. MacInnes and others take to the airwaves and newspaper ‘demanding public services,’ who exactly are they speaking for? I will tell you who they aren’t speaking for: taxpayers and the middle class. They’re telling us they’re fed up and tapped out.”
“Members of the Legislature continue to dodge and evade the consequences of their own ideas. You want to know what New Jerseyans are ‘paying dearly’ for?,” asked Iwicki. “A government that taxes too much and wastes too much; a government that is crippling our economy and making it impossible to grow and create jobs.”
“New Jerseyans have sacrificed enough to the altar of big government. The results are in. Groups like NJPP and those who support their big-government agenda are killing New Jersey. Their ideas aren’t solutions; they’re failed social experiments that are destroying the fabric of our state.”
“We’re killing the goose that laid the golden egg in New Jersey,” continued Iwicki. “For all the high taxes and spending, we are driving people out at a two-to-one rate and killing jobs and opportunity.
“The time for sacrifice has come alright, but not from New Jersey citizens, long-suffering taxpayers, and job creators. The ones who need to ‘sacrifice’ are the big-government elites and special interests who have bled New Jerseyans dry for far too long.”
Americans for Prosperity (AFP) is a nationwide organization of citizen-leaders committed to advancing every individual’s right to economic freedom and opportunity. AFP believes reducing the size and intrusiveness of government is the best way to promote individual productivity and prosperity for all Americans. AFP educates and engages citizens to support restraining state and federal government growth and returning government to its constitutional limits. AFP is more than 2 million activists strong, with activists in all 50 states.  AFP has 34 state chapters and affiliates. More than 85,000 Americans in all 50 states have made a financial contribution to AFP or AFP Foundation. For more information,

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