Thursday, May 15, 2014

Christie Toughens Penalties For Sex Assaults On Kids

Governor Chris Christie today acted to strengthen penalties for sexual predators who commit sexual assault against children. The Governor signed the Jessica Lunsford Act, Assembly Bill 892/Senate Bill 215, which provides mandatory minimum sentences of no fewer than 25 years to life, with no possibility of parole prior to a convicted person serving at least 25 years, for the act of aggravated sexual assault committed against a child under the age of 13. The law provides flexibility to prosecutors in very limited circumstances for terms of no fewer than 15 years, only when such a plea is in the best interest of the victim as determined by plea guidelines established by the Attorney General’s Office.

Primary sponsors for the Jessica Lunsford Act included Senators Diane Allen, Tom Kean Jr., and Steve Oroho, and Assemblymembers Nancy Munoz, Mary Pat Angelini, and Allison McHose.

In addition to signing the Jessica Lunsford Act, Assembly Bill 892/Senate Bill 215, Governor Christie took the following additional action on pending legislation today:


A-126/S-361 (McHose, Space, Tucker, DiMaio, Johnson, A.M. Bucco/Oroho, Sarlo) - Provides for voluntary contributions by taxpayers on gross income tax returns for development of Northern New Jersey Veterans Memorial Cemetery

A-347/S-288 (Caputo, Prieto, Tucker, Wimberly, Eustace/Rice, Stack) - Authorizes municipalities to impose penalties on creditors that fail to timely remedy code violations of certain properties in foreclosure

A-869/S-926 (Sumter, Pinkin, Chivukula, Wilson/A.R. Bucco) - Requires Division on Civil Rights and DCA to post information regarding disability accommodation rights for owners and occupants of condominiums, cooperatives, and other common interest communities

A-2456/S-1255 (Prieto, Rible/Whelan) - Exempts certain persons from HVACR licensing requirement; clarifies definition of heating, ventilating, air conditioning, and refrigeration

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