Saturday, May 17, 2014

Common Core: Catholic Bishops Express Concern

A special message from the Cardinal Newman Society:

May 17, 2014

Dear friends,

Great news! The U.S. bishops have issued an important statement on the Common Core State Standards, clarifying that the controversial reform is "of its nature incomplete as it pertains to Catholic schools" and advising "review, study, consultation, discussion and caution." They reaffirm the importance of Catholic mission in our schools and the "fundamental right" of parents as first educators of their children.

This is precisely what we have encouraged—caution and careful analysis of the serious concerns that have been raised about the Common Core—with our Catholic Is Our Core initiative! The bishops' statement is a turning point. We should be grateful to our bishops and the important work of NAPCIS and several state and local groups of family advocates.

Of course, Catholic families' concerns about the state of Catholic education have motivated The Cardinal Newman Society for more than 20 years. So you can understand how excited we are that the Vatican declared the canon law case against Georgetown to be "well-founded" and promised action! The response of the Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities—seeking to undermine the application of Ex corde Ecclesiae—only gives more reason for our efforts.

I'm sure you know that the "black mass" planned for Harvard University was cancelled (Deo gratias!), but there's more to the story! You simply must read how God brought good from evil.

And before you go, read our exclusive interview with my friend, Dr. Pat Fagan of the Family Research Council. He explains why Catholic educators must help students live out the virtue of chastity on campus!

Yours in Christ,
Bob Laird
Director of Programs

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