Friday, May 9, 2014

Corbett Campaign Has Nearly $7 Million On Hand

Tom Corbett for Governor Campaign Manager Mike Barley released the following statement along with the Tom Corbett for Governor campaign's 2014 Cycle 2 finance highlights.

"Our campaign continues to raise the necessary resources to effectively communicate Governor Tom Corbett's record with the people of Pennsylvania. For more than a year, we have been laying the groundwork for a 21st Century campaign run on new technology, data and a strong grassroots structure that will ultimately succeed in re-electing Governor Corbett in November."

"Since taking office in 2011, Governor Corbett has put Pennsylvania on a path towards a brighter future, saving more than half-a-billion dollars through government efficiency, reducing taxes and building an economy that will continue to create private sector jobs for Pennsylvanians."

Cycle 2 Campaign Finance Report Highlights
Total Raised -- $2.8 million
Cash on Hand -- $6.3 million

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