Thursday, May 1, 2014

Corbett 'Toy Story' TV Ad Slams Wolf

In Pennsylvania, the Corbett-Cawley campaign today released their latest television commercial, entitled Toy Story, which will begin airing statewide on television today.

The ad compares millionaire Secretary Tom Wolf’s tenure as the state's Revenue Secretary – a tenure where Wolf frequently advocated for tax increases and the same policies that led to over 152,000 Pennsylvanians losing their jobs – with Governor Tom Corbett’s proven record of promoting an agenda rooted in the belief that less taxes equals more jobs.
“We are excited to introduce Pennsylvania to the real Tom Wolf, who is nothing more than a wolf in sheep’s clothing,” stated Corbett-Cawley campaign manager Mike Barley.  “Millionaire Secretary Tom Wolf is spending millions of dollars of his personal wealth to disguise himself as an outsider who understands job creation, but his record of begging for tax increases and support for policies that have led to massive job loss as Revenue Secretary tells a much different story, and that is a story that the Pennsylvanians deserve to hear.”

The script for the commercial and sources for each claim are listed below.  You can view the television spot HERE.

Tom Wolf’s record on jobs is a car wreck. 

While Wolf served in Harrisburg as the state’s top tax collector, our taxes went through the roof [1]. 

And higher taxes led to 152,000 PA workers losing their jobs and unemployment going up almost 50% [2]. 

Fortunately Tom Corbett came along and cleaned up Wolf’s mess. 

Corbett lowered taxes [3], creating 150,000 new jobs [4], and PA’s unemployment rate dramatically fell [5]. 

Tom Corbett: Driving Pennsylvania towards a brighter future.


[1] (according to 2014 report, the tax burden in 2008 was the highest in PA history)
[2] Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that PA unemployment increased from 4.2% to 6.2% during Wolf’s tenure, with the number of unemployed increasing by over 152,665
[3] E.g. Elimination of inheritance tax for small business and farms, capital stock and franchise tax phase out, corporate loan tax elimination, increase of cap on corporate net income operating loss deduction
[4] Since December, 2010, employment has increased by 150,400 jobs.  Bureau of Labor Statistics, Seasonally adjusted, total private sector employment
[5] Unemployment has dropped from 8.1% to 6% since Governor Corbett took office Bureau of Labor Statistics; Pittsburgh Post Gazette, 2/21/07

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