Friday, May 2, 2014

Guadagno Celebrates Jersey's Small Businesses

Ahead of National Small Business Week (May 12-16, 2014), which celebrates the contributions small businesses make to the economy, Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno visited River Horse Brewery’s new 25,000 square foot facility in Ewing, NJ.

“New Jersey’s small businesses are a critical component to the state’s economy,” said Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno. “When small businesses like River Horse flourish, jobs are created, and local economies are strengthened. Our Administration is proud to support the small business community and will continue our efforts to help these businesses thrive.”

Every year since 1963, National Small Business Week has been celebrated to recognize the critical contributions of America’s small business owners.  During the month of May, Lt. Governor Guadagno will be highlighting some of New Jersey’s exceptional small businesses and supporting organizations that are working to help our small business community flourish, advance innovation and create job opportunities for New Jersey’s citizens.

Founded in 1995, the company was purchased by co-owners Chris Walsh and Glenn Bernabeo in 2007.The brewery produces thirteen ales, including four year-round ales, five seasonal and four in a reserve series. In April 2013, River Horse moved from a 10,000-square-foot building in Lambertville to a 25,000-square-foot facility in Ewing to address expansion needs.  Prior to the move, River Horse had 11 beer fermenting tanks and two “brite” tanks, where the beer is stored after fermentation to mature and develop natural carbonation. The Ewing location has space for up to 20 fermenters, each of which can hold up to 40 barrels of beer.

The craft brewery employs 25 people and currently produces approximately 13,000 barrels per year, with plans to increase production significantly. River Horse beers are distributed in New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and Connecticut.  In addition to brewing their signature beers, River Horse holds open tours on the weekends.

"We were so excited to welcome the Lt. Governor to our new facility in Ewing.  And very proud to show her what we've accomplished so far and discuss our plans for the future,” said River Horse Brewing Company Co-Owner Chris Walsh. “We appreciated the opportunity to hear her perspective on how the State and the business community can continue to work together to further improve New Jersey’s business climate."

According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, more than half of Americans either own or work for a small business, and they create about two out of every three new jobs in the U.S. each year.  In New Jersey there are 190,000 small business employers. These businesses represent 98.4 % of all employers and employ 50.2% of the private-sector labor force.

Demonstrating its commitment to aiding small businesses, including the burgeoning craft brewery business, in late 2012, Governor Christie signed legislation to ease outdated and antiquated restrictions on craft breweries. The law allows a craft brewery to offer samples to those taking tours of the facilities, as well as to sell a limited amount of product directly to customers taking tours. Those commonsense amendments made New Jersey's law more consistent with sister states, thereby encouraging this growing industry to stay in or relocate to New Jersey.

Businesses considering a move or in need of assistance are encouraged to call New Jersey's Business Action Center at (866) 534-7789 or visit the State's Business Portal at

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